Discover our most sought-after teas: Ceylon Black, Wellness, Organic, and Value Added. Elevate your teaexperience with our exquisite blends and pure flavors

Moringa Tea

Moringa is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Itcontains significant amount of vitamin A, C, and E; calcium; potassium;and protein Moringa reduces inflammation by suppressing inflammationenzymes and proteins in the body, and moringa leaf concentratecan significantly lower inflammation in the cells

Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea is rich in powerful antioxidants and may therefore help prevent damage and disease caused by the buildup of free radicals. Several studies have found that hibiscus tea may lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. hibiscus tea may be associated with weight loss and protect against obesity

Pea Flower Tea

The tea is rich in antioxidants, which makes it a great beverage to include in your detox diet, especially in summer. Antioxidants protect the body against free radical action. The earthy flavour of butterfly-pea flower tea is said to be a mood enhancer. The tea is said to have stress-busting effects that may also help reduce symptoms of anxiety.

Soursop Tea

Sour sop can inhibit cancer cells and cure cancer more quickly and effectively than chemotherapy which results in several side effects besides being expensive. The extracts of sour sop can be used as one of the natural diabetes remedy Boosts the Immune System and Prevents Infections

Black Tea

Organic black tea is high in antioxidants called polyphenols. These help clear your body of the free radicals that are produced as a result of your natural metabolic processes as well as exposure to environmental toxins.

Green Tea

Green tea is generally credited with easing thesymptoms of cancers, high cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, impaired immune system functioning, and a multitude of different infections. Organic Green tea can be use as a remedy for rejuvenation. It can improve the brain Function and make you smarter

Silver tips Tea

The buds are sun dried and carefully hand rolled, producing the characteristic silver, needle-like buds, with velvety texture. Their pale brew is surpassingly light, and delicate, elusive and mild on the palate with a touch of a "greenish" seasonal high grown character in the finish. The beauty of the infused buds adds to the pleasure of this unique

Golden tips Tea

Although tea tips are also commonly known as "buds," they do not form flowers. They are sometimes also called "shoots," which is also misleading because they do not include much (if any) stems. Tips are really just young leaves Taste Note : The tea is Light Liquring

Fruit Berry Tea

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Earl Grey Tea

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Coffee and Tea

Caffeine contain in Coffee Improve the Energy System and increase your Sexual Desire and The strong aroma of vanilla directly impact on the nerves that induce calm and relieve stress, particularly when used as part of an aromatherapy treatment. It calms your stresses, refreshes your mind and revitalizes your energy.

Turmeric and Ginger Tea

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Curry Leaf and Green Tea

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Marigold Tea

It alleviates cramps and aids digestion. It will also bring relief for nausea, stomach ulcers and menstrual discomfort. Tincture of marigold eases headaches and can help to facilitate sleep.

Gotukola Tea

Gotu kola has the ability to enhance memory and nerve function, which gives it potential in treating Alzheimer’s disease. Gotu kola’s positive effect on brain function may also make it an effective antidepressant. gotu kola can reduce the appearance of stretch marks. It’s thought that the terpenoids found in gotu kola increase collagen production in the body

Blue Mallow Tea

Blue Mallow Tea has been recognised as an efficient remedy for colds, asthma, chest infection and bronchial inflammation. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduces inflammation in the throat, calms throat irritations and relieves dry cough.